Bryce Glass

Bryce Glass is a Sr. Interaction Designer at Yahoo! Inc, and has worked on Internet community products and platforms for most of the past 10 years, with some of the Internet's best-known brands (Netscape, America Online and Yahoo!) Bryce was the User Experience lead for Yahoo's Reputation Platform and consulted with designers and product managers on a number of properties (Yahoo! Buzz, Yahoo! Answers and Message Boards, amongst others) that employed it. Bryce distilled the research and best practices from those engagements into a series of User Experience Patterns for Reputation that have garnered much attention in the social software design world.

Bryce is also recognized for his work on visualizing complex ideas in a straightforward and approachable fashion. His diagram, Flickr User Model, has been featured in numerous information visualization blogs and was included in Dan Brown's Communicating Design. He looks forward to the challenge of illustrating a deep and detailed model for Reputation Systems in this book.

Bryce's Writings

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